Kannan Sekar

Data Scientist | Software Engineer

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About Me

I'm a King's College London undergraduate student in BSc Artificial Intelligence ex UCL Computer Science student.

Currently, I'm seeking a full time software engineering position in London. If you think I'm a good fit, please contact me via kannansekara@gmail.com.


Kannan Sekar Annu Radha
London, United Kingdom


NHS Digital

Data Science Intern November 2019

Developed a Natural Language Processing project (for Patient Diagnoses mapping) in Python to predict ICD9 codes by using word embedding tools such as Word2Vec, dimensional reduction (TSNE), and then training an LSTM recurrent neural network on a sequence of ICD9 codes of past patient data to prognostically predict future diagnoses. Attended sprint planning sessions, agile sessions. Took on a NLP project, and presented it.

Shadowing Informatics manager, coming back for more work experience later. Currently learning about how neural networks work fundamentally and how to implement them in Tensorflow. Image classification and digit classification using MINST datasets.


King's College London

BSc Artificial Intelligence September 2024 - June 2027

University College London

MEng Computer Science September 2021 - June 2023

Royal Grammar School Newcastle

High School Degree September 2012 - August 2020

  • Results: A level: A*A*A* A* Mathematics, A* Further Mathematics, A* Physics
  • GCSE: 7A*s 4As, with A*s in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, English Literature, Spanish. As in Further Mathematics, English, Geography and History.
  • Awarded the Headmaster's Prize for 3 consecutive years in Year 9, 10 and 11 of schooling.
  • Skills

    I'm an independent teamworker strong in research and coding. My areas of expertise are computer science and natural language processing. Below are highlights of my technical skills:

    • Python
    • C/C++
    • Java
    • MS Suite

    A Few Of My Latest Creations

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